28 January 2007

28 January

The wind howls around the cabin. The walls creak. Oddly, I still find comfort here. The snow gently falls outside. The fire keeps my body warm, but does nothing for my heart.

I carried on with my usual business today. After I ... heard the awful news. I suppose had Megar . . . Megar. The name still rolls off my tongue as smooth as silk. No matter how long it's been since I mouthed it. Tonight was the first time in ages, I've said his name out loud.

Me, Fronzak, Tyree, Rena, Moz, an Aelien met with a fella, Priam, in Darnassus tonight. I'd met him once, a while ago. But Megar. Megar was in a guild with him.

Megar is gone. No sense in dwellin. I said goodbye a long time ago. A friend died in his sleep last night. I can't dwell on that either. I read the note Katen left. I'll attend the memorial. Because I should. I've said my goodbye. Here by this fire tonight.

I've always taken comfort here. The snow here doesn't feel so cold to me. I often find some peace here.

27 January 2007

27 January

Fel, Rena, Tae an me did some work around the Marsh. We went out to these ruins, an as we were leavin, I remembered I had somethin to do there. I told em to wait. I drank that potion, an next thing I know, I'm lookin down a beak! AFter I talked to that fella standin there, I turned an faced my friends.

They didn't look so kindly toward me. I hugged an blew kisses to Rena an Tae. They just kinda stood there, in shock. But Felspar! He ran from me! He even tried to sap me!

Fortunately, my ugliness didn't last too long.

22 January 2007

22 january

The last couple of weeks have been a blur. Many things goin on. Many changes.

I've experienced good an bad in the last two weeks. I've done a lot. I've not done some things I wanted to. But, such is life.

I have wonderful news. I wish that it not be overshadowed by any of the goins on around here. Benoin has returned! He's alive! I don't understand everything. He ended up on that island. Where the blue people crashed.

Hrm, the blue people. Draenei, I think? That crash. The portal. Coincidence? I think not. I've met a few Draenei. They seem to be honorable an follow the Light. Or are they one with the Light? I've admitted a few into the Knights. These Draenei have personally met other Knights an such. I'm not yet ready to whole-heartedly trust em.

I've been through the Dark Portal. What's on the other side is . . .

I've traveled further into the Outlands an rather like Zangarmarsh an Shat'rah City. The city's huge. An interestin. I've found it easy to get around in. Of course, I had this thing to give me a tour.

Ramblin, all I'm doin.

15 January 2007

15 January

I am but one person. A human. A woman. I’m more than slightly imperfect. I have no formal education. I grew up in the hills of Elwynn. My folks, while well traveled, were simple country folk from Westfall. How I got to where I am today…

I'm one person. Sometimes unable to see the forest for the trees. I'm a human who's been hurt, a woman alone, perhaps rejected.

Through my trainin as a Paladin, I've learned that in order for some situations to not blow up, I must remove myself. I'm not made of glass. But I may shatter. Not shatter myself. But shatter others through my words and actions. I've done it in the past. I don't wanna do it again. I am not perfect.

I find myself steppin back from many things. Is it too much? I have yet to see. One battle ended a while ago. Did I win? More an more, I think not. But was there anything to win to begin with? Can you win what you cannot have?

I've removed myself from Dora's life. It's best.

I've been Sovereign of the Knights for one year. We've grown. I've seen good people come and good people go. Losing good people...it's very hard on me. I don't foresee that gettin any better or any easier for me.

I've made many mistakes. No doubt I'll make more. I am but one person. More than slightly imperfect.

12 January 2007

12 January

There's been several life changing events since I began trainin as a Paladin. The invasion of the Scourge the biggest. But nothin's prepared me for this. I thought Nil, Bargas, an Alewen were speakin in madness. But it's happened. The portal. The Dark Portal. Demons….. When I was walkin around Darnassus ,I heard talk. I heard the elves clatterin. I dismissed it at first, ya know, as silly gossip. Much like I'd done with what Bargas was sayin. But when Zath told me the portal spewin out demons, I was alarmed. I couldn't lollygag around the city anymore. I ran back an told Fel's mum I'd see her as soon as I could.

I tried to help. Zath, Gan, an myself headed down to the Blasted Lands to see for ourselves. A sad sight indeed. Unsettlin. Demons seemingly pourin through the portal. Even a Dreadknight. I had a hard time, eventually passin out. When I came to, Zath yells to me to get out. I take off. Zath an I visit the Harborage an then travel back up to the Plaguelands.