29 November 2007

29 November

Nero grows. He's the cutest, sweetest thing. Heh..has a habit of gettin into stuff. His feathers are startin to show, a light golden color.

He sang to me tonight. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever heard. The finest music, the most well-trained artist couldn't compare.

15 November 2007

15 November

Fin's gone now as well. I really thought she'd be some help with settin up the guild vault, but no, she got moved to Stormwind, an we ain't heard from her since.

It's a good thing, makes it easier for folk to get what they need, but it's been tough gettin things right for it.

13 November 2007

13 November

Why is it that things always seem one step ahead of you? I ain't seen or heard from him for months. Folks say they've briefly heard his voice or that he's picked up his stones, but I got nothin.

I long ago sold his place in Stormwind, his dog's here with me. He's disappeared before. Sure he's gotta be all right...right?

I got word...I heard that he was in trouble, needed help...immediately

I'm beginnin to think I'll never know him again, never see him again.
