15 February 2006

14 February

How strange . . . There's some strange stuff goin' on, in these parts. Loyalty, friendship, love . . . Most of it seems quite silly to me. However, I received the most gorgeous dress in the mail. From a complete stranger! It's black and very nice. I shall wear it at our next guild meetin', I think.

Ladora hasn't been interested in all of this either. She's had a few people to approach her about "Spreadin' the Love". And they have been offended when she said she had no interest in all this love stuff. Thank Elune that she realizes a holy priestess such as herself, has no need for such trite things.

I must be going into Stratholme soon. Will that be the end? I think not. I think the tasks at hand to finally attain my epic mount will be far more involved than that. To Stratholme . . . and beyond.

07 February 2006

6 February

Ladora and Dassar both grew strong enough to be trusted with their own mounts! Ladora had received a sizeable gift from a friend, so she did not need any assistance in purchasin' her mount. However, young Dassar needed a bit of help. I was able to help him because my Shoulders sold at auction. He got a white striped nightsaber and Ladora got a white spotted one. They both look at home on them, I'm told. Of course, I have yet to see either of them. *sighs*

Ladora was fortunate to have Bellazar with her when she was picking out her new mount. What a decision! I swear, she has as much trouble with decisions as I do! Anyway, he was able to guide her in making a decision. Afterall, he had taken care of some bankin' and other business waitin on her!