22 April 2007

22 April

Usually I like surprises. Some are better than others, some are simply intoxicatin. It draws you in, like one inhales the contents of a hookah pipe, slow an deep. Spreadin through your body, blissfully drenchin you.

Surprises: unexpected, pleasant, intriguin intoxicatin--what joy. I've received a few such surprises in my lifetime, one most recently, though my memory is fuddled. Could it be the smoke I inhaled, or the surprise itself? Or was it all a surreal hallucination?

10 April 2007

10 April

Do I take things, people for granted? Am I taken for granted? I think both to an extent. Some things or people more so than others. Is this troublesome? Perhaps. How does one fix it? In the case of bein taken for granted, do you pull back? Would others even notice?

02 April 2007

2 April

My weekend was pretty much as I wanted. A bit of excitement intermingled with some nice relaxin times. I enjoyed it.

Ben's finally married. He was late, heh, they both were. But all in all, they were married in a nice ceremony. Our "lady of intrigue" officiated and she did a wonderful job. I'm workin on gettin it sketched up. I'll admit, I didn't have the best view. Heh

My adventures were fun, challenging in their own way. The conversations were much the same. Some nice, others not so. But, as always, I'll dwell on the nice.

Else I'm left wonderin an dwellin on how to stop someone from tryin to destroy all I have?