14 January 2008

14 January

Two years.... It's been two years since Rivkah handed over the Knights. It feels like a stitch in time but oh, how things have changed.

We've grown. We've lost. We've been happy, and sad. We've seen new families begin...and families end.

I love my Knights. I'm very proud of them. There's changes I still would like to make, but we're okay.

Heh...two years. It's odd that it didn't alway feel like -my- family instead of Rivkah's. She's been gone, for the most part, since I began. But her presence was still with me. I worried about makin changes that she wouldn't like. I worried about upsettin her. Yeah, it's been nearly two years, an only in the last year have I started to feel like it's my family. OUR family.

We've grown. Can I handle it? I certainly ain't had no trainin leadin folk or nothin. I just want us to work together, play together, love each other.

We wouldn't be nothin without all of the members. I wouldn't be able to get anything done without Wind an Tae an the ladies an lords.

I appreciate them all. I should tell em more.

My wonderful knights. My family.

I've changed. More than most will ever know. I'm happy. So very happy.

13 January 2008

13 January

O fulo osa O rini osa do falla ni

05 January 2008

05 January

I worry about her. Somethin ain't right. She's always been a bit rough..but never mean or hateful. She even snapped at me. She says she's all right, but I ain't so sure. I feel really helpless. What can I do? I don't know nothin...