06 June 2007

06 June

I woke up to one of the most amazing lightening storms I've seen in some time. Boom! At first, I tried not to look. "Must Sleep," I told myself. Soon though, I knew I'd not be able to sleep, the constant crashes, explosions, rumbling across the sky. I life up the clefthide blanket and stare up at the sky. The first drops sprinkling my face. Watching it instantaneously change from an inky black to a bright, yet drab gray. I watch the lightening jump across the sky. I see the sky light up, yet still jump when the thunder boomed mere moments later. As time passed, the boom took longer to occur.

Almost as soon as it started, the sky settled down to a mellow rumble and the rain began. The rain that will lull me back to sleep.

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