28 March 2006

28 March

Well, I've been restin a bit more. Ladora is workin hard ta get ta where she can go to tha big places. I never knew her ta be one adventurous. But I should've. There was no stoppin her when she wanted ta go back home. Fer one so proper, she sure does have a fire under her arse!

One reason I been restin is cuz every time I get into a good fight, I start movin in slow motion. I try stoppin ta rest, but if that helps, it's only fer a moment. Golech has a bit o the trouble also. Course, he says it only really happens when I'm around. Hmm, it happens ta me a lot more when he's around. Well . . . he is a magnetic sorta fella. But . . . well . . . I mean . . . he's a good friend . . .

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