22 January 2007

22 january

The last couple of weeks have been a blur. Many things goin on. Many changes.

I've experienced good an bad in the last two weeks. I've done a lot. I've not done some things I wanted to. But, such is life.

I have wonderful news. I wish that it not be overshadowed by any of the goins on around here. Benoin has returned! He's alive! I don't understand everything. He ended up on that island. Where the blue people crashed.

Hrm, the blue people. Draenei, I think? That crash. The portal. Coincidence? I think not. I've met a few Draenei. They seem to be honorable an follow the Light. Or are they one with the Light? I've admitted a few into the Knights. These Draenei have personally met other Knights an such. I'm not yet ready to whole-heartedly trust em.

I've been through the Dark Portal. What's on the other side is . . .

I've traveled further into the Outlands an rather like Zangarmarsh an Shat'rah City. The city's huge. An interestin. I've found it easy to get around in. Of course, I had this thing to give me a tour.

Ramblin, all I'm doin.

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