03 May 2007

03 May

I overheard a conversation in the guild hall. One I think I should not have been privy to. ...

There comes a time when all must be brought out into the open. I said my mind would be open, but my heart isn't. Many people let their heart lead them. I've been told, "I deserve what my heart wants." It's my heart that keeps me the way I am. Odd isn't it? For most, their mind is what stops them from enterin into matters of the heart. For me, my heart stops me. My heart cannot stand to ache any more.

My heart doesn't ache any more. It's actually usually over-joyed. It's just not what most folks think I need. But it is. As I told a friend today: I think at one time I had faith in Love. Now, that's gone. An honestly, over the past year and a half, I've been happier than I ever was...except for brief, fleetin moments. My heart is full, not with Love, I don't think, but full none-the-less.

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