07 December 2005

07 December
Met a little dwarf by the name of Falroy. I'm not sure what he's up to. He like, most others, eyed me bare thighs. However, me thighs are no longer bare! I'm proud to say, I have a new pair of leggings that cover me. I can now walk around without having to cover up with a robe or tabard, at the least.

I digress . . . this Falroy, I met him in the auction house. Little critter just walked right up to me. Asked if he could ask me a few questions. So, we ventured outside the gates of Iron Forge. It seems, or he says, he's writing a book on the adventuring and would like to hear some tales. We didn't talk for long, I was road weary, and not feeling my best.

Well, I'll probably talk with him more, but you've always got to be on your toes when dealing with strangers.

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