15 December 2005

15 December

I ventured forth this night ta find me one of those hot little elf costumes. I saw lots of gnomes running around in them, as well as the Winter Revelers. Can ya believe there's a machine in Stormwind (and other places, I'm told) that will dress ya up, for free! Woohoo! I was tickled. I had to sign some papers and such fore they'd let me on. Nothin was gonna stop me from being dressed like an elf! I jumped in that machine and fore I knew it, I was a gnome in a green elf costume! A gnome I say! But hey, when I danced, I danced like a gnome. I looked like a gnome, danced like a gnome, talked like a gnome! I was a gnome! I knew I shoulda read those papers I signed.

Fortunately, my gnomeness didn't last forever. Felspar has been sent to the Temple in the Swamp of Sorrows for somethin sneaky, I'm sure. Anyhows, he asked Golech and myself to accompany him. We were not successful last night. Twas jus too much fer the three of us. Golech thinks he'll have his infernal soon and will be able to kick ass. We shall see. We're all three taking Kazzi and Ana back through Uldaman tonight. Praise the Light, I hope this is the last time I have to go there. *sighs* Ladora and Bell both will need to go at a later time for their chantin.

Ah, has been a long day and I'm camped out here in Felwood. I'll return home tomorrow.

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