30 December 2005

30 December

Ah, Zul Farrak. Intrestin place. We ventured in for the second time tonight. Gol, Fel, Kazzi, Ana and myself. We made it to the gong quite easily. We had to free Bly and then, when we asked him about the rod, he fought us. Strange man. He seemed a bit offended. *shrug* Anyways, we get to this pool, and there's this gong. We're supposed to ring it to summon Gah'Zilla. Well, ya need a hammer. Which you get in the Hinterlands. What kind of mess is that? None of us had any idea. Alas, we will return another time. Golech was required to return to the Hinterlands. I met him there and Poski, a new guildmate joined us. The three of us aquired the hammer from the alter. We had to take it into the ancient troll city to transform it. An aquaintance, Baratus joined us. His aid was most appreciated as he made it easy to transform the hammer into the Mallet of Zul'Farrak. Ah, soon.

Folks are a strange sort. They'll pop up jusa bout anywhere. I must wonder bout their intentions.

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