01 December 2005

Jaded--I'm fed up with people, people you should be able to trust turning their back on you and hurting you. So, I stay rather detached from other people now. I cherish my family and my guildmates. I would give them my boots if they had none. However I will not let them in.

Spiritual--I am a Paladin as my father before me. My mother, a Priestess. I have followed the Light for as long as I can remember.

Fiery--I can be hard to handle. I am passionate about fighting and people. However, this passion can be a bit ugly sometimes. Crossing me can get you walking your happy ass back to your corpse.

Opinionated--I have my beliefs, about things in life, as well as about me. I'll be happy to tell ya about most of them, and it is doubtful you'll be able to change my mind. As long as I'm not telling you about myself. That isn't going to happen.

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